Gereja Katolik Santo Willbrordus
Kedatangan Portugis di Ternate tahun 1515 menjadi asal mula
pembangunan Gereja Katolik Santo Willbrordus. Saat itu, aktifitas keagamaan di
laksanakan dalam benteng-benteng di ternate. Situasi ini mendorong Kapten
Antonio Galvao membangun kapel,gereja dan sekolah di tahun 1523. kedatangan
Pater fransiskus Xaverius kemudian menjadi tonggak sejarah peyebaran Agama
Katolik di Ternate. Meski demikian, gereja mengalami masa masa sulit, ditutup
dan tidak mengadakan aktifitas keagaman apapun. Pada tahun 1610, seiring
kehadiran Pater Jesuit, dimulai pula renovasi Gereja Katolik Santo Willbrordus.
St. Willibrordus Church
Portuguese arrival in Ternate at 1515 became the early
beginning of St willibrordus church, which also knows as Batu Church. At that
time, religious activity held inside the fortresses. This situation lead
Captain Antonio Galvao to build chapel, church and schools in 1523. The arrival
of father Fransiscus Xaverius then become the history milestone of Catholic
apread in Ternate. Even though the church was developing, there we re hard
times for Catholic Church. It got shut and religious activity was prohibited.
In 1606, along with the attendance of Jesuit Fathers, the restoration of St. willibrordus
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